The data module provides a thin wrapper around working with persistent ROOT files, persistent h5 files, and the use of transient pandas DataFrames.


Bases: object

A class to define a dataset with a pandas.DataFrame as the payload of the class. The module provides a set of static functions to construct a dataset. The class constructor should be used only in very special cases.

datasets should always be constructed using one of three functions:


List of files delivering the dataset


Name for the dataset


LaTeX formatted name (for plot labels)


All of our datasets had to come from a ROOT tree at some point


The array of event weights


The payload of the class, a dataframe


Auxiliary weights to have access too


Optional dataset label (as an int)


Optional auxiliary label (as an int) - sometimes we need two labels


Shape of the main payload dataframe


A dictionary of files to meta dictionaries

Type:Optional[Dict[str, Dict]]

A string (in pandas.DataFrame.eval() form) that all of data in the dataset had to satisfy


Add two datasets together

We perform concatenations of the dataframes and weights to generate a new dataset with the combined a new payload.

if one dataset has aux weights and the other doesn’t, the aux weights are dropped.

Return type:dataset

Append a dataset to an exiting one

We perform concatenations of the dataframes and weights to update the existing dataset’s payload.

if one dataset has aux weights and the other doesn’t, the aux weights are dropped.

Parameters:other ( – The dataset to append
Return type:None

Based on a dictionary of selections, break the dataset into a set of multiple (finer grained) datasets.

Parameters:selections (Dict[str, str]) – Dictionary of selections in the form { name : selection }.
Returns:A dictionary of datasets satisfying the selections
Return type:Dict[str, dataset]


A handful of selections with all requiring OS and elmu to be true, while changing the reg{...} requirement.

>>> selections = { '1j1b' : '(reg1j1b == True) & (OS == True) & (elmu == True)',
...                '2j1b' : '(reg2j1b == True) & (OS == True) & (elmu == True)',
...                '2j2b' : '(reg2j2b == True) & (OS == True) & (elmu == True)',
...                '3j' : '(reg3j == True) & (OS == True) & (elmu == True)'}
>>> selected_datasets = ds.apply_selections(selections)

retrieve a homogenous array of auxiliary labels (or None) if no auxlabel

Return type:Optional[ndarray]

Change the main weight of the dataset

this function will swap the current main weight array of the dataset with one in the auxweights frame (based on its name in the auxweights frame).

Parameters:wname (str) – name of weight in auxweight DataFrame to turn into the main weight.
Return type:None

Drop all columns not included in cols

Parameters:cols (List[str]) – Columns to keep
Return type:None

Drop all columns from the aux weights frame that are not in weights

Parameters:weights (List[str]) – Weights to keep in the aux weights frame
Return type:None

retrieve a homogenuous array of labels (or None) if no label

Return type:Optional[ndarray]

Remove all payload df columns which begin with weight_

If you are reading a dataset that was created retaining weights in the main payload, this is a useful function to remove them. The design of expects weights to be separated from the payload’s main dataframe.

Internally this is done by calling pandas.DataFrame.drop() with inplace on the payload

Return type:None

Remove columns from the dataset

Internally this is done by calling pandas.DataFrame.drop() with inplace on the payload

Parameters:cols (List[str]) – List of column names to remove
Return type:None

Remove some columns from the payload based on regex paterns

Internally this is done by calling pandas.DataFrame.drop() with inplace on the payload

Parameters:pattern (str) – Regex used to remove columns
Return type:None

Write dataset to disk as a pytables h5 file (with a strict twaml-compatible naming scheme)

An existing dataset label is not stored. The properties of the class that are serialized to disk:

  • df as {name}_payload
  • weights as {name}_{weight_name}
  • auxweights as {name}_auxweights
  • wtloop_metas as {name}_wtloop_metas

These properties are wrapped in a pandas DataFrame (if they are not already) to be stored in a .h5 file. The from_pytables() is designed to read in this output; so the standard use case is to call this function to store a dataset that was intialized via from_root().

Internally this function uses pandas.DataFrame.to_hdf() on a number of structures.

Parameters:file_name (str) – output file name,


>>> ds = twaml.dataset.from_root("file.root", name="myds",
...                              detect_weights=True, wtloop_metas=True)
>>> ds.to_pytables("output.h5")
>>> ds_again = twaml.dataset.from_pytables("output.h5")
Return type:None, name=None, tree_name='WtLoop_nominal', weight_name='weight_nominal', branches=None, selection=None, label=None, auxlabel=None, allow_weights_in_df=False, auxweights=None, detect_weights=False, nthreads=None, wtloop_meta=False, TeXlabel=None)[source]

Initialize a dataset from ROOT files

  • input_files (Union[str, List[str]]) – Single or list of ROOT input file(s) to use
  • name (Optional[str]) – Name of the dataset (if none use first file name)
  • tree_name (str) – Name of the tree in the file to use
  • weight_name (str) – Name of the weight branch
  • branches (Optional[List[str]]) – List of branches to store in the dataset, if None use all
  • selection (Optional[str]) – A string passed to pandas.DataFrame.eval to apply a selection based on branch/column values. e.g. (reg1j1b == True) & (OS == True) requires the reg1j1b and OS branches to be True.
  • label (Optional[int]) – Give the dataset an integer label
  • auxlabel (Optional[int]) – Give the dataset an integer auxiliary label
  • allow_weights_in_df (bool) – Allow “^weight_” branches in the payload dataframe
  • auxweights (Optional[List[str]]) – Auxiliary weights to store in a second dataframe.
  • detect_weights (bool) – If True, fill the auxweights df with all “^weight_” branches If auxweights is not None, this option is ignored.
  • nthreads (Optional[int]) – Number of threads to use reading the ROOT tree (see uproot.TTreeMethods_pandas.df)
  • wtloop_meta (bool) – grab and store the WtLoop_meta YAML entries. stored as a dictionary of the form { str(filename) : dict(yaml) } in the class variable wtloop_metas.
  • TeXlabel (Optional[str]) – A LaTeX format label for the dataset


Example with a single file and two branches:

>>> ds1 = dataset.from_root(["file.root"], name="myds",
...                         branches=["pT_lep1", "pT_lep2"], label=1)

Example with multiple input_files and a selection (uses all branches). The selection requires the branch nbjets == 1 and njets >= 1, then label it 5.

>>> flist = ["file1.root", "file2.root", "file3.root"]
>>> ds = dataset.from_root(flist, selection='(nbjets == 1) & (njets >= 1)')
>>> ds.label = 5

Example using aux weights

>>> ds = dataset.from_root(flist, name="myds", weight_name="weight_nominal",
...                        auxweights=["weight_sys_radLo", " weight_sys_radHi"])

Example where we detect aux weights automatically

>>> ds = dataset.from_root(flist, name="myds", weight_name="weight_nominal",
...                        detect_weights=True)

Example using a ThreadPoolExecutor (16 threads):

>>> ds = dataset.from_root(flist, name="myds", nthreads=16)
Return type:dataset, name='auto', tree_name='none', weight_name='auto', label=None, auxlabel=None, TeXlabel=None)[source]

Initialize a dataset from pytables output generated from dataset.to_pytables

The payload is extracted from the .h5 pytables files using the name of the dataset and the weight name. If the name of the dataset doesn’t exist in the file you’ll crash. Aux weights are retrieved if available.

  • file_name (str) – Name of h5 file containing the payload
  • name (str) – Name of the dataset inside the h5 file. If "auto" (default), we attempt to determine the name automatically from the h5 file.
  • tree_name (str) – Name of tree where dataset originated (only for reference)
  • weight_name (str) – Name of the weight array inside the h5 file. If "auto" (default), we attempt to determine the name automatically from the h5 file.
  • label (Optional[int]) – Give the dataset an integer label
  • auxlabel (Optional[int]) – Give the dataset an integer auxiliary label
  • TeXlabel (Optional[str]) – LaTeX formatted label


>>> ds1 = dataset.from_pytables("ttbar.h5", "ttbar")
>>> ds1.label = 1 ## add label dataset after the fact
Return type:dataset, name, columns, tree_name='WtLoop_nominal', weight_name='weight_nominal', label=None, auxlabel=None, TeXlabel=None)[source]

Initialize a dataset from generic h5 input (loosely expected to be from the ATLAS Analysis Release utility ttree2hdf5

The name of the HDF5 dataset inside the file is assumed to be tree_name. The name argument is something you choose.

  • file_name (str) – Name of h5 file containing the payload
  • name (str) – Name of the dataset you would like to define
  • columns (List[str]) – Names of columns (branches) to include in payload
  • tree_name (str) – Name of tree dataset originates from (HDF5 dataset name)
  • weight_name (str) – Name of the weight array inside the h5 file
  • label (Optional[int]) – Give the dataset an integer label
  • auxlabel (Optional[int]) – Give the dataset an integer auxiliary label
  • TeXlabel (Optional[str]) – LaTeX form label


>>> ds = dataset.from_h5('file.h5', 'dsname', tree_name='WtLoop_EG_RESOLUTION_ALL__1up')
Return type:dataset, reference)[source]

Scale the weights of the to_update dataset such that the sum of weights are equal to the sum of weights of the reference dataset.

  • to_update (dataset) – dataset with weights to be scaled
  • reference (dataset) – dataset to scale to
Return type:
